Project title: City Water Circles – Urban Cooperation Models for enhancing water efficiency and reuse in Central European functional urban areas with an integrated circular economy approach
Project objective: To improve environmental management of functional
urban areas to make them more livable places
Project duration: 4.2019 – 3.2022
Leading partner: City of Budapest, District 14, Zugló Municipality
Project partners from: Slovenia, Hungary, Italia, Poland, Croatia, Germany.
The expected results of the project will be transnational water reuse guidelines, local water reuse strategies, knowledge base on innovative recycled water practices, an innovative platform for exploring new technologies and initiative for water reuse a demonstration pilot project.
The pilot action of using of Rainwater and Purified Wastewater for producing recycled construction material in Maribor will demonstrate the usability of purified wastewater (WW) and rainwater (RW) for the purpose of production of secondary raw materials based construction products. RW will be harvested and stored to be used in the production process, whereas purified WW will be transported from the nearby wastewater treatment plant.
Materials produced will be used for road maintenance works and for revitalisation of degraded areas by Nigrad d.d., a public company, majority owned by the Municipality of Maribor and concessionaire for public road maintenance.
Location of demonstration project will be inside the Municipality of Maribor. The exact location is at the degraded urban area in Dogoše, Maribor, where the pilot will be directly connected to the production plant from producing secondary raw materials based construction products operating at the same location. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is also nearby, making this the perfect implementation area.